Will Call Delivery Request
It has been brought to our attention that you have requested to be put on the “WILL CALL” delivery list. Please read the following terms carefully:
*As a “WILL CALL” customer it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to monitor the tanks and call the office when your tanks reach between 25% - 30%.
*The truck will deliver you fuel when we are IN YOUR AREA, NOT the day that you call. Depending on the temperature, this may be up to several weeks.
* If you run out of fuel and require an emergency fill, a rerouting charge of $125.00 will be applied to your account.
* There will NOT be a delivery after normal business hours.
* All customers on the “WILL CALL” list will not be recognized as a main source of heat.
If these terms are acceptable to you, and you still wish to be considered a “WILL CALL” customer, please fill in the form below. Once we receive your signed request your account will be placed on the “WILL CALL” List.
You may also print the PDF version here. Please complete the form with your signature and return to our office as soon as possible. Please note you will not be placed on the “WILL CALL” list until the letter is signed and returned.
Thank you for your attention regarding this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Value Propane